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The eleventh edition of The Art of Public Speaking builds on its predecessors with expanded coverage in key areas that students find most challenging- plunging into the first speech, avoiding fallacies, using supporting materials properly, citing sources orally, developing and presenting visual aids, and taking public speaking from classroom to career.
These content revisions are combined with a thorough revision of Connect Public Speaking, the path breaking online learning platform for The Art of Public Speaking at The book, Connect, and the other resources available with The Art of Public Speaking are all designed to work hand in hand. They provide an integrated teaching and learning system that is without parallel among public speaking textbooks.
.Helping students make the leap from principles to performance
.Helping students apply principles discussed in the text to the creation of their own speeches
.Helping novices gain practice time and become effective public speakers
作者: Stephen E. Lucas
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2013/06/27
- 語言:英文
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